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Dealing With a Two-Week Quarantine

Posted on 11/20/2020 7:04:07 PM by Amber Berkheimer

With many of us going home for the holidays and with COVID-19 cases reaching extraordinary new highs, it is tricky to make decisions for this upcoming season. Since I have been living on a college campus for the past three months, I have decided my best decision is to self-quarantine at home for two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. This is completely a precautious measure in my situation, but what if you are one of the people who find themselves having to quarantine for two weeks due to possible exposure to the virus? At this point, I am more than halfway through my 14 days, and it has been challenging to keep myself occupied while being in a room by myself for most of the day. So, what can you do to keep yourself sane and productive during a time of complete social isolation?

For me, I have been staying productive by staying ahead of my schoolwork. It seems that around this point in the semester is when many of us find ourselves being thrown projects, final papers, and extra credit assignments to round out the semester. It is important to stay ahead of this work so you don’t become overwhelmed, which could lead to procrastination, which could lead to, overall, more stress. Keeping myself busy with my schoolwork and making sure that all of my assignments are completed on time has distracted me from my reality of being stuck in my bedroom for 14 days. It has also been easier for me to get work done during my quarantine since there are very limited distractions when I am by myself all day with limited interactions with anyone else.

I have been binge-watching Christmas movies like CRAZY! I have found that once you find an enticing movie or Netflix series to watch, time passes much more quickly. My go-to’s have included Netflix shows like Emily in Paris and The Queen’s Gambit, as well as Hallmark Christmas movies! I have never been a big TV or movie girl, but I’ve found it very valuable to use Netflix as a tactic to distract myself for a few hours! There is also an extension called Teleparty that you can download, which allows you to watch shows and movies on Netflix, Hulu, Disney +, and HBO with friends who also have the extension. This can make things feel a little less lonely when you are in quarantine!

I am a pretty active person, and I did not want that to change because I am isolated. I have been getting into new workout routines on YouTube and subscribing to new fitness instructors that I was not previously familiar with. I can’t do much in my room with no equipment, but I do it as a distraction and fun! Working out does not need to be a chore. Just find a method that works for you! There are so many ways to stay active during quarantine, and it can be enjoyable, like dancing, yoga, or a high energy cardio routine!

Aside from distracting myself with my newfound hobbies, I am using this as a time for personal growth and rest. Although I had to leave my friends at school a week earlier than I had planned, I feel like I needed these two weeks to relax, recharge, and focus on what is important in life. Instead of stressing over school, I have been journaling, meditating, and finding new positive influencers to follow on YouTube and social media. Surrounding myself with positivity has made this confusing season of my life much easier to handle. It is so important that you take time to appreciate what you have before it is gone, and I have realized just how much I am thankful for.

Having to quarantine for 14 days to eat with my family on Thanksgiving has put into perspective just how fragile life is and how crazy 2020 has been for everyone. Although I am by myself for the next six days, I am so appreciative that I could come home to quarantine to be with my family on Thanksgiving. We are living through such trying times, and it can be stressful to have to isolate yourself from friends and family for 14 days, sometimes even longer. Taking up new hobbies, staying engaged in your classes and schoolwork, and relaxing are all great ways to stay busy during a period of quarantine and to pass the time more quickly!