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Honors Council

Following Socrates’s age-old adage, the student-led Honors Council “dares to think,” offering members of the Honors Program various co-curricular and social events and activities.

The goal of the Honors Council is to plan programming for the students in the Honors Program. The Honors Council works to inspire students to love learning and continue their education in a variety of ways, both inside and outside the classroom.

The Council also sponsors service opportunities for students to benefit their communities beyond Cabrini and strives to promote and sustain solidarity among the Honors students, from their first year through to graduation.

With an executive board of eight Honors students and a student assistant to the Honors Program, the Honors Council has been charged with creating opportunities for all Honors students to expand their intellectual, cultural, and social horizons. The Honors Council is also tasked with making Cabrini Honors students ambassadors for the program to the rest of the campus and beyond.