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History and Political Science Department

Today’s complex world requires a thorough understanding of historical context and knowledge of various political philosophies. The History and Political Science Department offers majors in American studies, history, and political science that lead to careers in business, government, law, teaching, and archival professions.

Students may receive secondary education certification in social studies with a concentration in history. The department also houses the pre-law advisory program and a concentration in public administration in conjunction with the Business Department

Internships and Independent Study Options 
The Department encourages students to seek internships as part of their intellectual and professional development. A variety of internships and independent study options are available to qualified students, and are based on individual needs, interests, and abilities.

Student internship experiences have included the Welsh Parliament and the U.S. Department of State. Interested students should arrange a meeting with the department chair to discuss their options. 

The Washington Center 
James Hedtke, PhD, Professor and Chair, History & Political Science, serves as liaison between Cabrini University and the Washington Center, which provides an integrated academic and work experience to prepare students for lives of achievement and civic engagement.

Students who enroll spend an entire semester in Washington, D.C., working in an internship, taking classes, and participating in a scheduled program of activities. This program is open to all majors during the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Career Resources
