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The Pierce Fellow Program identifies, trains, and empowers five to eight highly motivated student leaders each year in collaboration with the Pierce Family Foundation.

The student leaders initiate and run programs, working to connect on-campus departments, offices, and groups to off‑campus organizations. The Pierce Fellows Program focuses on issues of hunger and food insecurity. 

Pierce Fellows are generally sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a 3.0 GPA, a commitment to social justice, an understanding of a specific area of need in the community, and a passion to serve. Students in the program are appointed for an entire academic year, fall and spring semesters, and work for approximately four hours per week in collaboration with the Wolfington Center.

The ideal candidate for the Pierce Fellow Program:

  • demonstrates leadership qualities and experience 
  • upholds and demonstrates the core values and Cabrini’s “education of the heart”  
  • cares about people in communities that are at risk because of economic status, access to educational opportunity, or physical/health status 
  • demonstrates interest and concern through coursework, employment, or community service

Financial support for Pierce Fellows includes a $1,000 tuition credit ($500 each semester), and a $1,500 stipend ($750 each semester).

In addition, Pierce Fellows will have the opportunity to apply for funding for their programs.


Faculty members and students can submit applications. The strongest applications will be those proposed jointly by a faculty/student team.

Students may apply to work with a community organization. They should have some type of relationship with the organization and an understanding of a project to be completed there.

Please note that the Pierce Fellows Program does not fund ongoing work; it supports the creation of new projects or improvement of existing projects.

Apply now!

Request a Pierce Fellow

Faculty members may submit a request a Pierce Fellow to work on a project.

This could be community-based research, a community-based course, or other ongoing community relationship that allows the Pierce Fellow to help the program self-evaluate, grow, or change.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ray Ward in the Wolfington Center at rew68@cabrini.edu.