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Phi Sigma Iota

Phi Sigma Iota (Gamma Xi chapter) is Cabrini’s chapter of the honor society for foreign language.

Members believe that:

  1. A discerning and sympathetic understanding of the peoples of the world is essential to the welfare of humanity.
  2. Peace among nations and international amity are dependent upon an altruistic willingness to appreciate the character, the ideals, and the culture and civilization of other countries.
  3. The study of foreign languages is one of the best means of contributing to such an understanding.
  4. A broad study of foreign culture is also essential to an adequate comprehension of other races and peoples.
  5. It is our duty as world citizens to learn all we can about foreign peoples and to strive to judge their achievements objectively, fairly, and tolerantly.
  6. It is our obligation to disseminate our knowledge and informed judgment of foreign peoples as widely as possible to further international understanding.
  7. It is incumbent upon us to attempt to inspire in others a desire to study the language, literature, and other cultural manifestations of foreign peoples.

Membership is open to students who:

  • pursue a concentration of foreign languages
  • maintain a B average
  • have completed at least one foreign language course at the 300 level